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Prolific Setup Guide

DECSYS supports using Prolific as an external participant recruitment service.

This guide is for setting up DECSYS to capture responses from Prolific participants.

1. Create a Prolific Study

Using a Researcher account, create your study in Prolific.

New Study

2. Create a DECSYS Study or Survey


Be sure to choose as the type!

New Decsys Survey

3. Complete Setup

DECSYS and Prolific need to be linked to one another.

There are three main pieces of data that allow this connection, and the steps below ensure that both DECSYS and Prolific are set up correctly.

The key pieces are as follows:

  1. The DECSYS Access URL
  2. The Prolific Participant ID
  3. The Prolific Completion URL

To complete the setup, you'll need to be viewing your Prolific Study details, and your DECSYS Survey's "Prolific Details".

Prolific Study details

If you've just created your study, you should already be in the details screen:

Study details


If you've previously saved a study as a draft, you can pick it from the "Drafts" list to get back to the details screen above:

Drafts list

DECSYS "Prolific Details"

If you've just created your DECSYS Survey, you can click "Finish Setup" to bring up the Prolific details.

Or you can always choose "Prolific Details" from the Manage Survey menu:

DECSYS Prolific details


If you don't see either of these options, try creating your Survey again ensuring you choose as the type.

1. The DECSYS Access URL

Copy the Access URL from DECSYS into the Prolific Study URL box:


Prolific Study Link


Usually, it's expected that you'll be doing this on a hosted DECSYS environment, and as such the IP address warning will not be present.

You can simply copy and paste the URL directly if it is a normal internet accessible address such as

2. The Prolific Participant ID

DECSYS expects to receive the Participant ID from Prolific as a Query String Parameter in the URL that each Participant uses.

To configure this, choose the options in Prolific's Study Link section as follows:

Prolific Participant ID


Note that DECSYS uses the default settings for the parameters, so no further configuration is required.

The important thing is to ensure that the Prolific ID parameter is PROLIFIC_PID.

DECSYS doesn't currently use Study ID or Session ID.

3. The Prolific Completion URL

In the Prolific Study Details screen, when asked "How do you want to confirm participants have completed your study?", choose "I'll redirect them using a URL":

Prolific Completion URL

Then copy the URL and enter it into the DECSYS Prolific Details screen for the Completion URL:

DECSYS Completion URL

Ready to go!

Finally, click Save Settings. Your DECSYS survey is now ready:

DECSYS Survey ready

You can preview it from Prolific all the way through, before launching within DECSYS, allowing you to make changes if necessary:

Prolific preview