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There are two ways to use DECSYS: Workshop mode, and Hosted mode.

In Workshop mode, you can simply run DECSYS on your computer, and have participants connect to it over a local network. All data is stored locally on your computer.

In Hosted mode, DECSYS is hosted on the internet, and requires some additional configuration to allow the use of user accounts and storing the data in a remote database.

Workshop mode setup

64-bit Windows 7 or newer

  1. Download a win-x64 asset from Releases
  2. Extract it to a folder
  3. Double-click Run Decsys
  4. Open a web browser and navigate to localhost

For other Operating Systems


  • .NET 6.0 runtime.

Setup Steps

  1. Download a dotnet-6.0 asset from Releases
  2. Extract it to a folder
  3. Run the application as follows:
    • Use the provided run-decsys or Run Decsys (Windows) script
    • Use the dotnet CLI
      • Navigate inside the Decsys/ folder
      • run dotnet decsys.dll
      • Optionally pass server urls argument to specify a port, otherwise 5000 will be used.
        • e.g. dotnet decsys.dll --server.urls
  4. Open a web browser and navigate to localhost

Hosted mode setup

🚧 Under construction

This section is under construction and may change.

🙋🏾‍♀️ Default Hosted mode Admin Username



  • A MongoDB Server (4.x or newer)

Setup Steps

First follow the Workshop mode steps, to get a copy of DECSYS running on the host machine.

Then, you'll need to make some configuration changes.

Refer to Configuration for general information on Configuring DECSYS.

The following are required configuration for using Hosted mode:

  • Set ConnectionStrings:mongo to your MongoDB Server's connection string.
  • Set WorkshopMode to false
  • Set Hosted:Origin to the scheme, hostname/ip and optionally port that DECSYS will be bound on
    • e.g.
    • port 80 (http) or 443 (https) may be ommitted for those schemes.
  • Set Hosted:AdminPassword to the password for your admin user.
  • Set Hosted:JwtSigningKey to a JSON Web Key
  • [Optional] set Hosted:AdminUsername to a username for your admin user.
    • The app will prefix this username with @ to identify it as the system admin.
    • if you set this in the config as decsys, then you'll need to login with @decsys.
    • defaults to admin.

DECSYS JSON Web Key Parameters

Type (kty)RSANo validation occurs, but other values will fail.
Use (use)SignatureDECSYS doesn't validate this at this time but may in future.
Algorithm (alg)RS256No validation occurs, but other values will fail.
Other values will be accepted in future.