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The DECSYS Survey Platform aims to be a flexible cross-platform web-based survey platform that particularly makes it easy to load custom question response components.

Getting Started

Run Surveys with DECSYS

Start with installing and using DECSYS in Workshop mode to get a feel for it!

If you want to host DECSYS online, there's instructions for that too.

Create Custom Responses

DECSYS was built to research and showcase an Ellipse-based Scale for capturing survey responses.

If you have an interesting idea for capturing survey responses, or simply want to build a response approach DECSYS doesn't include yet, then here is the information you need to build Response Items of your own.

Contribute to DECSYS

The Developer Guide and Technical Reference contain all the information about DECSYS' inner workings.

Where else can I find information?

There are also other places you can find specific information about aspects of the wider DECSYS Project: