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2.x Future


🙂 Some of these items may be brought forward into the next release.

☹ Some of them may fall into later releases...

  • Continued customisation of generated Participant Identifiers
    • e.g. to exclude undesirable combinations of nouns and adjectives, or to add your own!
  • More Webhook trigger conditions
  • FreeText Regex validation
  • Participant User Accounts
    • Requiring accounts to take surveys
    • Limit accounts / Invite usernames to take surveys
  • Remote Image Uploads
    • Native Azure StorageAccount store (this will enable the use of CosmosDb for the main datastore)
  • Sharing Survey Administration between accounts
  • new Params Editor / ParamTypes
  • Logical branching - new Survey Structure Editor
  • Tagging/Labelling further export data fields


  • Move WorkshopMode to an embedded mongo instance, so we only target one database api
  • Consider an electron app or similar webview wrapper for workshop mode?



  • Mandatory questions can no longer be reset with the "Clear Response" button
    • if a user is unhappy with their response they can amend it before moving on
    • Optional questions must be resettable in case a user decides they want to skip the response after having already entered a response.
  • Users can maintain a single modified list of words used for id generation in Surveys they manage.
    • Currently they can choose to block words form the built-in list, or unblock previously blocked ones.
    • More functionality will be added in future.
  • Surveys can have webhooks configured, to allow integrating with external systems in response to DECSYS events.
    • Currently the only DECSYS event that can trigger a webhook is a PAGE_NAVIGATION, when leaving a Survey page.
    • Multiple webhooks can be configured for a Survey.
    • Webhooks can currently trigger on ALL PAGE_NAVIGATION events, or only when leaving specified pages.
    • In future other events will be able to trigger payloads, possibly with differing payloads.
    • In future PAGE_NAVIGATION triggers will be more customisable beyond just the page being left.
    • Webhooks are documented in the User Guide.
    • Webhook functionality is currently behind a feature flag


  • Performance improvements for results page/dashboard/data exports
  • Choose Many Response item (highly requested!)
  • Number input Response item
  • Mandatory / Optional questions
    • Pages can be marked as optional / mandatory
    • Dashboard distinguishes between Pages not yet responded to vs optional Pages skipped